ANCSA Land Management
MLA is an Alaska Native majority owned and managed firm with a vested interest in rural Alaskan villages. Sharon McClintock is MLA’s President, Senior Planner and General Manager and oversees general operation of the company. MLA’s strength is its familiarity with Alaska land issues and its experience in rural Alaska.
President Sharon McClintock is a shareholder of Sitnasuak and Bering Straits Native Corporations, and is a well known authority on Alaska Native Land Claims.
MLA is certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise by the AK DOT&PF in Photogrammetry & Mapping, Transportation Planning, ROW Acquisition & Negotiation, Unlicensed Construction Surveying, & Drafting/Reproduction Services.
MLA’s Land Planning Services offers a unique range of planning services oriented towards Alaska villages and implementation of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Our professional planning staff has extensive experience in all aspects of Alaska land issues including:
- ANCSA 14(c) Technical Assistance
- Right-of-way/easement negotiation and acquisition on restricted and unrestricted lands
- Site control
- Land status research on all aspects of land development and community improvement projects
- IRR Inventories
- Airport planning
- Riparian rights
- ANCSA Corporation Land Training Employees, Board Members, and Committees